
Year in review: Top Insight of 2021.

Runway East Credit: Rebecca Faith

In 2021 we launched our new Insight section, which invites industry experts from the worlds of architecture and design to weigh in on the sector's hottest topics.

From office wellbeing, to colour theory and 'ones to watch', if it's happening in A&D, you'll hear about it here first.

Stay tuned to this page for plenty of Material Source Studio content over the next year, and beyond. And in the meantime, here are your favourite pieces from 2021.

'Third workspaces': More important than ever?

As the UK's working population gears up for a mass return to the office, we explore the merit of the 'third workspace'. Not quite a home, not quite an office, with elements of hospitality thrown in, the 'third workspace' could be a cafe, a co-working space, even a breakout area within an office that's away from the main ‘hub’.

But are such spaces a trend on the ascent thanks to the pandemic? Or were they gaining popularity beforehand? We thought the best way to find out was to ask the experts.

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Fora Great Eastern

Fora Great Eastern

Workspitality: How to design the workplace-hospitality hybrid of the future.

Move over resimercial, there’s a new phrase in town. While you don’t need us to tell you that the lines between home, work and hospitality have become more blurred than ever before, we believe it’s a trend that’s here for the long-haul.

According to the ONS’ report on: Business and individual attitudes towards the future of homeworking, of the adults currently working remotely, 85% want to continue with a "hybrid" model.

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5 things you should know about bioplastics.

Here is a piece by Carly Fletcher, research associate at Manchester Metropolitan University and leader of the BIOPLASTICS EUROPE project, which explores the safety and sustainability of biobased and biodegradable plastics.

Her research interests focus on the waste management policy, the transition to the circular economy, the development of the bioeconomy, and sustainable business models. Here, she shares the top 5 things you should know about bioplastics.

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Paul Iddon, VP of Manchester Society of Architects clarifies proposed updates to washroom planning guidance and buildings regulations.

In response to the proposed update to planning guidance and building regulations on washrooms for new and existing buildings, Paul Iddon, vice president of Manchester Society of Architects offers clarification for architects and designers.

A call for evidence by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) launched a technical review of provision of toilets for men and women. “The government’s position is of the view that there needs to be proper provision of gender-specific toilets for both men and women, with a clear steer in building standards guidance”. This was closed on 26th February 2021...

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Crown Paints highlights the importance of colour in the workplace. Wherever that workplace may be.

The concept of the office has changed beyond recognition over the past 18-months. As well as including a dedicated workplace, it now extends to kitchen tables, conservatories, bedrooms and everywhere in between.

With this in mind, and as our internal environment has never been more important to our physical and emotional wellbeing, Kathryn Lloyd, colour specialist from Crown Paints, takes a closer look at how the use of colour can have a profound effect on how we view and use the spaces in which we work.

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