
No Longer Speculative

While we realise that sustainability is a complex arena of many moving parts, since we first started, we’ve given a platform, and a voice, to those blazing a trail in developing bio and by-product based alternatives to the materials we rely upon every day. We feel it’s our responsibility to bring new, innovative materials of this nature to the fore. It’s in our DNA. We are moving the agenda forward with 24 ideas for 2024.

Manchester Studio. Photography by Tim Ainsworth.

This Is No Longer Speculative opens at MSS.


24 bio and by-product based materials for 2024.

24. Eline van Dijkman - Rubber.

23. Studio Sarmite - (Un)woven.

22. Jeffrey Miller - From The Underground.

21. Emma Harriet Wright - The Light Switch.

20. Blast Studio - Tree.

19. DeakinBio - Sustainable tiles.

18. PrintCity at MMU - 3D printed concrete.

17. Myceen - Mycelium-based materials.

16. Prometheus Materials - Zero-carbon products.

15. Zena Holloway - Rootfull.

14. StoneCycling & Circular Matters - CornWall®.

13. Ori Orisun Merhav - Made by Insects.

12. Kenoteq - K-BRIQ.

11. Hannah Elisabeth Jones - 100% Grass Materials.


Credit: Anna Batchelor

9. Georgie Gerrard - Mycelium pieces for big.